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Reflections from Asia

Reflections and Lessons from Asia

Image: On my last day in Bangkok leaving the hotel Photo by: ME

Our words are POWERFUL and will create the very things spoken – whether you are intentional or not! I had the experience of a lifetime while visiting Asia this August. The way this trip manifested itself was quite divine and I did not fully realize it until I was in Japan!

Earlier this year, I made the declaration that I would travel outside of the United States (where I currently reside) for a few weeks without having to pay for it! I had NO idea HOW it would happen, but I was not concerned about that. I just knew it would happen…and it did! I was offered the opportunity to travel to Japan and Bangkok for 2 weeks for work and even before I took off, I knew my life would never be the same.

The culture, language, food and sights all elevated my mind to the amazing possibilities that await me if I only believed they were possible. I felt like I was experiencing my own version of Eat, Pray, Love! And in some ways, I did. What I learned about God, myself and humanity as a whole changed me deeply. There was no one situation that impacted me most. The totality of the experience is what shifted me forever.

Have you ever experienced that? Being in a certain place, at a certain time, at a certain season in your life? It’s like a hidden door you never knew existing in your own home…and once opened, changes your entire perspective. Well, that is what happened to me and I landed in the US a different person because of 5 reflections and lessons from Asia. I shared my insights in my private FB group, Space to BE and I want to share some of it with you as well:

Embrace discomfort and learn from it

Honor the humanity in ALL people

Being physically alone in a foreign land is only scary if you believe you are alone

Ask for what you want, believe you will receive it AND remember you asked for it!

Trust God’s Divine flow in the Unexpected events of life

(I decided to create a blog series from these reflections and lessons because each one carries it own jewels and deserves its own stage. Look forward to 4 more blog posts within the coming weeks! ?)

Embrace discomfort and learn from it

Authentic Pad Thai which I ate entirely too often! Photo by: ME

Being in a foreign land of an unknown language can be pretty uncomfortable. It was a bit challenging navigating conversations and dinners when I was unaware of how to communicate my needs. Let’s add the time difference between myself and everyone I knew. And while we are at it, I am a natural haired woman traveling to a hot, humid climate! Can we say uncomfortable?!

But despite all of those apparent barriers to my peace and ease, I made a conscious decision to SHIFT.

I shifted my THOUGHTS

I shifted my BELIEFS

I shifted my ACTIONS

And I shifted them all with intention.

I refused to be caught up in a wave of fear, loneliness and separation.

I decided to find the good in every situation and extract a lesson that elevated my life. For example, the language barrier led me to utilize technology and slow down long enough to seek guidance on what to say and do. Google Translate is a life-safer – Literally! I have a severe tomato allergy so learning, ‘tomato nashi’ was KEY!! So this apparent barrier created a new found appreciation for the languages of another culture and all the beauty found it in!

Next week, I will share my reflections and lessons on Honoring the humanity in all people – no matter how difficult they may be!

Until next time, peace and blessings to you!

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