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Conquering Overwhelm: Strategies for Maintaining Inner Peace

Writer's picture: DawnMicheleDawnMichele

Before diving into this topic, remember this truth: You ALWAYS have a choice!"

January 2025 has been a HEAVY month, a tangible weight on the hearts and minds of many people. The level of uncertainty and flux hovers right at the point of flooding our lives with fear and angst. Media sources are bombarding us with information, opinions, and calls to action, with a force that is suffocating.

As a highly sensitive person and an empath, all this energy is heavy! If you are unaware of your sensitivity and are just allowing your body, mind, and senses to be pummeled each day via your cell phone and television – this is all very overwhelming.

…and that is the point of it all…

Overwhelm is being wielded in the media as THE weapon of choice, and you need to know how to defend yourself against it.

What is Overwhelm?

Webster’s Dictionary defines overwhelm as an act “to overpower in thought or feeling”. This is an action – something that happens between two separate entities. The intent of this specific action is for one entity to dominate and control another. Another definition is “to overcome by superior force or numbers”.

Does this resemble the world we are experiencing right now? If so, keep reading…there’s work to be done that only YOU can do!

Slow down and THINK

The information flowing around you does not have the authority to access your mind and heart unless you allow it to. Slow down the flow and examine things…

  • Is this accurate?

  • Is this an opinion or fact?

  • Do I need to respond/react to this?

Use your Power to Choose

You always have a choice when it comes to what touches you – mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Accept that as a fact in your life. The outer world cannot overwhelm your inner world unless you allow it. Overwhelm is a weapon being used to cripple your ability to choose another way…

  • Choose calm over anxiety

  • Choose courage over fear

  • Choose joy over discouragement

  • Choose truth over lies

  • Choose your mental health over using an app

Tools to Overcome Overwhelm

I do not diminish the severity of the current cultural and political climate in the US. Your beliefs are valid, and you have the authority to act on them as you deem fit. However, I am diminishing the power and influence this energy has over your inner peace and inner dialogue. You have tools for your Toolkit! I have some good ones in my book, Space to Be: Discovering a Life of Peace in 5 Steps, but here are some specific ones for the topic of overwhelm that I use myself:

Just Breathe

Box breathing is a great way to interrupt the momentum of overwhelm. It slows down the mind and causes you to focus on your breath instead of the overwhelming situation. Try this:

  • Sit or stand with a straight back

  • Close your eyes

  • Breathe in slowly for a count of four

  • Hold your breath for a count of four

  • Breathe out slowly and steadily through your mouth for a count of four

  • Hold your breath again for a count of four

  • Repeat as desired

Allow It

There are times when random negative thoughts float across my mind when I’m experiencing overwhelm. I used to fight the thoughts and try to push them away. Now – I allow them to come and present themselves, but I do not engage. I allow them to pass by -like a stranger coming across your path…let them pass by and continue your beautiful path of inner peace.


I know one thing to be true – music HEALS! We all have our preferences for music, but find what brings your joy, safety, peace, and calm. Create a playlist of your favorite uplifting songs and listen to it every day! Keep that positive, high vibe energy in your atmosphere on a consistent basis and without fail, a song will pop up in your mind when you need it most to help soothe you.


With or without music, I need you to MOVE! Take a walk, jump rope, hit the gym, or just make time to lovingly stretch your body. But movement refocuses you and gives your body the opportunity to release the overwhelm and tension.


Laugh at the foolery of it all! Overwhelm being used as a weapon to overpower you into being fearful is comical! Bullying never wins in the end, so laugh and release that tension and overwhelm!

DND (Do Not Distrurb)

I recently started engaging this feature on my phone and I just LOVE IT! When I decide to pick up my phone and check what is happening in the world will be MY choice! Not the result of endless pings, text messages and phone calls to fear vent. Nope – your notifications will be delivered silently, and I’ll respond when I’m ready…if at all! And that is ok! #sorrynotsorry


My favorite tool of them all! See it in your mind to see it in your world. Go to that place in your mind that allows you to breathe easy, smile and unclench your jaw. Attract that beautiful energy to your atmosphere and watch your outer world change to match it.

Hold Your Ground...or Simply Sit on it!

My inner peace is non–negotiable for me – my surroundings must be a space of peace and calm. Overwhelm will not be used as weapon in my life and I encourage you to stand for the same atmosphere in your world!

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