COVID-19 has changed so much of our world over the past 2 years, but ONE thing remained the same…

…and I want to celebrate all of us for a few moments today. If you’re a Mompreneur or you know one, send her this blog post! It may be just what she needs to hear…
For the unfamiliar, a Mompreneur is defined as “a female business owner who actively balances the role of mother and entrepreneur."
She’s an absolute Rockstar and Goddess! But also…very Human.
During the past 2 years, we’ve had to pivot in just about every area:
Home Life
As Mompreneurs, we are uniquely qualified to navigate the pivot and THRIVE – pandemic or otherwise. But I can honestly say that THIS particular pivot was HARD…and I rarely use that word!
Picture this:
You’re a mom of 2 kids under the age of 10, working a corporate job AND kickstarting your small business. Your home, hands, mind and heart are FULL with all the amazing things you get to do for yourself and your family.

Then…March 2020 rolls around and in an instant, life shifts.

Kids are suddenly out of school, offices are closing, face masks are a thing, local businesses are being asked to close early or completely while this thing called COVID-19 spreads throughout the world. People are freaking out and keeping a tighter grip on their wallets (while simultaneously buying all the toilet paper in sight!)
And there you are…thinking of your health, the health of your babies AND the health of your business! “What in the world is happening and how will I maintain my family?” may be a thought running through your mind at this point. Even if you felt financially secure with your job and savings, the global unknowns were still a concern for you.
All of those factors would worry the strongest amongst us and indeed it did for many. That’s the humanity in us – survival is important when you have a family that depends on you.
Despite ALL of those circumstances, situations and events of the last 2 years, HERE YOU ARE! Living, loving and believing in your abilities to bring your dreams to life in the face of unprecedented world events. Now…we all know that we experienced some dark times over these 2 years and that’s to be expected. What I wanted you to realize and accept is that not everyone came out on the other side of this pandemic a better person. Many succumbed to the pressure, anxiety, worry and unfortunately, the disease associated with COVID-19. (See the link at the end of this blog if you need some extra loving support with this)
But, here you are, Mompreneur!
You’ve cried, prayed, yelled, wore the masks, kept your family as healthy as you possibly could and continued to work on your business because you believed that there would be “the other side of this pandemic”.
So, for THAT drive, believe and love for yourself and others, I wanted to celebrate you!
Not because you perfectly slid through the past 2 years unscathed with a full face of makeup and amazing hair and nails, but because you looked past the pandemic and saw the possibilities for yourself and your family – and kept going!
Congratulations, Mompreneur!!

If you or someone you know needs extra support and guidance to regain peace in your home and/or mind, contact me today. Navigating these changes require a support system and team and I would be honored to be a part of that team.
Click HERE for a quick e-book to begin that journey today...and it's absolutely FREE!