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Writing The Narrative without Words

Writer's picture: DawnMicheleDawnMichele

Whenever life presents me with a buffet of challenges, triumphs, possibility and pains, I write a narrative. Sometimes it is literal, like this blog. Other times, it is mental and non-verbal. I have a few tools that I use to create this ‘mental narrative’ and I want to share one of them with you today!

“Help me to SEE farther than I can LOOK”

Whenever my physical circumstances project an image that is not aligned with the vision I have for my life, I mentally replace what I SEE with what I BELIEVE. When my body attempts to manifest sickness, I choose to believe in my healing. When finances are challnged, I choose to believe in my abundance.

Is this mental shift easy? No…

Is this mental shift necessary? YES!

Taking 15 minutes out of my day to visualize the life I believe to be true and in alignment with my purpose changes the narrative. It causes my subconscious mind to ponder the two options before it and decide what will be our focus. The consistent, repetitive thought will win every time! It does not matter if you feel it is positive or negative. The frequency of a thought will determine your belief. When I consistently think that I am unworthy of happiness, guess what? Your body will believe it and live that belief! Speaking one belief and thinking on another is called double-mindedness…And you know what you can expect from that decision? Nothing that you truly desire!

It is not a life I want to live, do you? So, what can you do RIGHT NOW to change your narrative? Here is one tool for your toolkit!

Visualization Application Steps:

  1. Find a quiet, secluded space to sit where you know you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. Close the door if applicable and turn off all distractions…Yes, that means your phone!

  2. Position yourself in a chair with a supportive back or sit on the floor with your back against the wall for support. Make sure you hands and legs are relaxed and comfortable.

  3. Think about what your IDEAL day. You know, the day where everything is flowing and you are connected and engaged with God, yourself and people. Get a good concept in your mind.Now, take 5 deep breaths…Slowly…

  4. Close your eyes.

  5. See yourself on your IDEAL day. What are you wearing? What do you smell? What do you see and hear? Are you walking down a city street with a coffee cup listening to some acoustic soul? Are you in your home office, excited about the people you will serve today? What are you doing IN DETAIL.

  6. (Best step of all) Allow your mind to freely play out that entire day. Waking up, getting ready, getting into your car, the conversations you have, the smell of the flowers as you walk past a garden. I mean, there are no boundaries or limits on the awesomeness of this IDEAL day.

  7. Open your eyes and take steps to BE that person you just visualized!

I promise that this exerciae, if done with consistency and passion, will radically change your perspective for your life and the possibilities that are available to you!

Try it today and let me know about by posting a comment below!

Experience Wellness and Breathe Deeply!

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