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Living Our Habits

Writer's picture: DawnMicheleDawnMichele

Have you ever walked into a room that had the lights turned off and upon walking out, reached for the light switch?

Have you ever gone into the bathroom to wash your hands at home and just stood there waiting for the water to turn on automatically?

Have you ever responded, “I’m good, thank you!” to someone who greeted you with “Good Morning”?


Each of these scenarios depicts a person who is living out their habits and not living in the moment. This person is not truly present in their day to day activities and they are living on autopilot.

How did we get so distracted in our day to day lives? How can a parent forget their child when leaving a store? I know that example is hard to think about, but we have been seeing it more and more. And this disconnection is steadily deteriorating the quality of relationships and communication within humanity. I noticed this disconnect within myself and decided to do something about it. Today, I want to share 3 tips to get you reconnected to the world around you.

Just Breathe…


Sounds simply enough, right? But there are times when we actually stop breathing while engrossed in a task. Taking intentional, deep breaths, we provide our body with the necessary oxygen to think clearly and creatively. Try it right now…Inhale for 4 counts..hold in for 4, exhale for 4 counts. Do it again…How do you feel? A little less stressed and grounded I would suspect. Couple this exercise with the application of a calming essential oil blend, candles or a beautiful outdoor setting and you have just created a healing ritual that will greatly improve you overall wellness!

Write it down…DAILY!


Daily, intentional actions guarantee a change in your life – this has been proven time and time again. Now, it doesn’t guarantee positive changes…Positive changes are the results of positive actions or seeds as I like to call them. We have all heard of the quote “You will reap what you sow” and we understand that it is true. A farmer will never harvest apples in the fall if he/she never planted apple seeds in the spring! It is LAW. So, the same concept holds true for mental and spiritual seeds. You want to turn off autopilot, so you need to intentionally sow seeds of presence! Set a goal and accomplish it in the time established! Create a gratitude journal and commit to writing down 3 things every day that you are grateful for. Write out the vision for your life and speak it out loud at least 3 times a day – upon waking, during your lunch hour and before bedtime. The intentional act of daily writing triggers the brain to do something new…to believe something new.  Affirm your truth and unplug the autopilot!

Spread the Love


“Love is patient and kind” – spread the LOVE!

“Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude” – spread the LOVE, even when it is hard!

“Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged” – release them, and spread the LOVE!

“Love does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out” – celebrate truth and spread the LOVE!

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance” – don’t skip a day, just SPREAD THE LOVE DAILY!

The Scriptures make it very plain what love is…and when we exercise our faith to walk this out, the level of freedom, connection and passion is your life will expand tremendously! Explore each of these statements and intentionally set your mind to walk it out for 7 consecutive days.


At this point is should be clear that living our habits is a choice that has become unconscious. No parents want to forget their child in a store, but when we allow our minds to run ahead of us and forfeit the gift of presence, we project an image into our environment that is not true. If you are ready to disconnect the autopilot button and replace it with INTENTION, I challenge you to start working on these steps, DAILY…not every other day…not once a month…not for some set religious expression of devotion at a certain time of the year, but DAILY…right now!

Just breathe, write down your gifts and spread the LOVE!!!

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