Deciding to walk the journey of entrepreneurship came very late for me…at least in my mind. It wasn’t until I turned 40 that this path became a possibility. Today, I am 41 (no shame here!) and I’m approaching my FIRST consistent year of business ownership! Now, for most people, they would be pretty excited about this accomplishment.
I have to remember to be excited about it…Let me explain why.
My past experiences included consistent moments of feeling inadequate, feeling the compulsion to prove my validity and value. What I have recently learned is that although I have overcome my limiting belief about starting a business, that ‘weed seed’ of doubt about my validity is still popping up. On my drive home from my 9-5 job, I had a major Divine download! It came in the form of a question, “Are you motivated to serve and build your business from a space of DESPERATION or INSPIRATION?”
I did not have an immediate answer…
Looking at myself briefly in the rear-view mirror, I knew the authentic answer…”I have been operating in desperation!” I then began to wonder why…what triggered this lack mindset to resurface? Here are 3 reasons I discovered:
Reason #1: My Vision

Recently, I have been observing many signs and communications around ‘lack’. Email, phone calls, regular mail. All painting a picture before me of lack and I began to internalize and mentally receive these images as my reality rather than seeing it outside of me.
Reason #2: My Energy Level

My emotions have been like a roller-coaster recently! Up one day and ready to take on the world! The next day, literally not wanting to leave the house! With low energy, you are pouring from an empty, depleted vessel. No good EVER comes from that!
Reason #3: My Time
“I am moving too slow!”
“I feel so far behind!”
“Why haven’t I created/built/made ______ yet?”
Whenever I begin to feel like I am on a hamster wheel going nowhere, I am operating from a space of desperation!
Discovering these triggers felt both encouraging and upsetting and being the recovering perfectionist, I totally get my duplicity. The fact that I was connected enough with God to receive this message and immediately receive it as an opportunity to growth and elevate was encouraging! (Yay me!)
Debbie Downer (my ego) walked through the proverbial door with her megaphone and cloud of gloom and doom, “But you should know this, Dawn! Why are you still dealing with this? (Boo, Debbie!)
Needless to say, I asked Debbie for her megaphone and told her to take a seat and hold her finger over her mouth! Then…I began to activate my toolkit! Here are the 3 tools I pulled out my Toolkit to guide me GENTLY back on track:
Tool #1: Affirmations that PENETRATE

Affirmations are great…but only if that crack open the hard shell of doubt and fear attempting to cover your heart and mind. For me, speaking words like, “I am good enough” would not cut it in this space of desperation. It would not be specific enough to grab that limiting belief by the collar and escort it out of my consciousness. Instead, I speak, “All the good that belongs to me by Divine Right can NEVER be taken from me! There is no lack in God’s Presence and God and I are one! Therefore, all obstacles move from my path immediately and permanently with grace!” Do you see the difference?
Tool #2: Accountability that ILLUMINATES

So, I phoned a friend! This may be a challenge for some people and I recognize that. Vulnerability can be a scary thing especially if you do not feel safe with the person you are bearing your wounds to. This is where I would STRONGLY suggest you evaluate your circle of friends and companions and begin to determine who are your Elevation Buddies and who needs to gracefully leave your life. Going into isolation when you are feeling low is a guaranteed recipe for condemnation and depression. You MUST allow someone you trust and respect to hold up a mirror before you and illuminate your truths! Don’t have Elevation Buddies? Now is the time to pray for them to appear on your path! (You could also join me in my private FB group called, Space to BE! I have a small group of ladies who are truly seeking more peace in their daily lives!)
Tool #3: Space that ELIMINATES

After a few accountability calls with my Elevation Buddies, I came home to my sacred space and sat down. My intention for this time of reflection and direction was to receive reminders of who I am and who I am desiring to be. This unique, private space in my home serves as my connection point between myself and God. When I step on my plush white carpet, I know that I will receive downloads that will impact my life in a major way. And I am NEVER disappointed! In my space, I have a full length mirror. This mirror shows me all there is within me that I would normally try to hide. (Have you ever looked deeply into your own eyes and had a conversation? Try it and tell me your experience below.) As I looked at myself and thought about my future self, I began to hear clearly what has caused me to operate from a space of desperation rather than inspiration. With this information in hand, I could begin to shift my thoughts, change my actions and adjust my path forward.

Desperation – seeing, believing and internalizing the appearance of lack and scarcity in your life. You begin to think and act as though time is running out and you are not doing and receiving enough.
Inspiration – being so full of love, joy and peace that you overflow into the lives of other and touch a part of their souls that needed healing. You give from a full vessel because you desire to heal the world with little concern of what you will receive because you know and believe that YOUR portion of abundance and prosperity is already secured – whether you see it or not!
I’ve decided that I will not post, write, share or serve when I am in a space of desperation. My offering will not be authentic or healing. Those are the moments when I stop everything and head to my sacred space for restoration, direction and filling. Only then will I feel ready to touch the lives of others.
So, become aware of the source of your motivation as you navigate through this life. Many of us float between these 2 extremes and the shift from inspiration to motivation can be ever so slight. Honor the gift within you and do the work to discover your motivations.
Someone out there is waiting on you!
Peace and Love,