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And in an instant…

Chance encounters are never by chance! Last night, while listening to an online class on essential oils (you can email me for more on that!), I connected the dots of my health and healing journey in a very random way. I tell you…Being available and teachable will bless your life!

The presenter for this class shared her personal healing journey and as I sat and listened, I knew I had to connect with her directly! She is on the other side of my current challenges and I want freedom from them! I stayed up very late to listen to the entire class with the intention of messenging her afterwards to ask for assistance. As I gathered from the class, she was willing and available to talk. I absolutely love people who are passionate about people!

We finally connected on the phone in the midst of her mommy duties and my work schedule. I shared how I enjoyed her class and felt like we had a similar health and healing journey. She began to share more with me about her challenges and struggles and how she used natural remedies but our shared challenge was a direct result of diet choices. As I jotted down notes and suggestions, I began to smile. Not because I was happy about the restrictive and challenging lifestyle I was about to enter, but because for the first time in 10 years, I did not feel like a standalone wierdo! Someone else experienced my unique pains, fears and frustrations and OVERCAME THEM! It was totally possible to be free and clear of this dis-ease within my body.

Do you know how frustrating and defeating it is to life with a health challenge that is bothersome enough to impact your daily life YET not ‘serious’ enough to warrant alarm from those around you? You are tempted to devalue your discomfort and push aside your pain. Today, I was able to reach out (virtually) and lock arms with a fellow overcomer! And yes, I said ‘fellow’ because I have overcome this challenge already! By unwavering faith, I declare it done.

It is impossible to overcome alone. Two are better than one as the Bible states and a cord of three is not easily broken. My Father and my friends will keep me accountable and focused on keepongy promise to live a sacred, whole and healed life. It is my birthright and I will accept nothing less EVER again. It is my time! And, I believe there is someone reading this post who knows that it is their time as well.

So what is it for you?

Committing to your health?

Healing your relationships?

Finally starting that business you dreamed about?

Releasing debt and building your wealth legacy?

Spiritual connection with your Creator?

What is it TIME for you to commit fully to accomplishing or overcoming?

In an instant, when you have made up your mind to take the first step, your answer will be presented to you.

Let’s DO it and FINISH it in 2017!

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