I wanted to share a glimpse into my heart…into the mind of a developing, growing and evolving woman who desires more for her life. This process started years ago, but my rebirth is very recent.
Sometimes, to truly start living, parts of your life must cease to exist. I came to that crossroad in September 2015. Coming face to face with the realization that my time on this earth could have ended due to an illness that was unseen shifted my focus. Experiencing life from a place of limitation, enforced medications and suspension of my passions changed me. The Dawn that existed before that moment was no longer and in her place was a being searching for purpose, meaning and answers. I felt so confused, alone and vulnerable…and I hated it! I yearned for the times when I knew exactly what I could and could not do. A times when I trusted my body and my intuition…a safer time. Even as I write this blog post, I am remembering the hazy vision I held for myself and the depression that was knocking at my door. Self-pity, condemnation and fear were beginning to take up residence in my mind and I almost gave them full access to my life…
But then, He stepped in and reminded me of this one thing…
I am not finished! Get up, Dawn!
When I heard these words, I knew what He meant and I knew that I had to fight through spiritually what I was experiencing physically.
Generations were waiting on me! I have seeds to sow…life to share…
When my wake-up call came through, it was June 2016. I was recovering from surgery, enjoying first-time home ownership, and preparing for my son’s 15th birthday. My mind was swirling with emotions, desires and concerns yet I knew that this was all about to change. I began seeking resources on changing your mindset. There is so much information out there but nothing connected with me and where God was leading me. Being a lover of research, wisdom and books, I pursued my mental healing with a passion. I was lead to a life coach whose approach, teaching and lessons helped me to adjust my vision for myself and my purpose. She helped me realize that before I could get anyone else to believe in me, I needed to believe in myself! Not just the thoughts from my family, friends and co-workers, but God’s thoughts about me. And once I learned what He thought of me, I needed to ERASE ALL DOUBT! And my journey towards a miraculous, aggressive mindset renewal began. Unearthing the deeply buried limiting beliefs was an uncomfortable process but liberating at the same time. Day by day, the scales began to fall from my eyes and the plugs out of my ears…and it was like I was seeing and hearing for the first time.
God is so amazing!
And it was during this time that God allowed me to have a glimpse into the life He always desired for me. A life that was lying dormant within my mind that I refused to believe was possible. I refused to believe it because others told me that it was not for me.
A life of abundance
A life of prosperity
A life of love and peace
A life of wholeness
It was always there for me…I just would not receive it. I left it sitting there like an unopened gift from an unsuspecting recipient. Why you may ask? Well, because I allowed the words of others to create my reality.
Our words (and the words of others) are powerful tools. They can create life or death both intentionally and accidentally. You will notice I write about that in every post I create because I am a believer in the power of our words. God created EVERYTHING from a word! And we are created in His image…what does that tell you?
I decided to speak life over myself and my destiny. To believe in my gifts, talents and abilities. To believe that I had something to offer the world that would leave an impact for generations to come. And that is when Atmospheres of Wellness was born!
I am an architect by training and I am currently working towards licensure. I have a passion for creating healing environments that promote wellness – both in the workplace and home space. I am a healer by nature and I learned this truth as I took the time to discover who He said I am. Additionally, I am committed to living a clean life – in my foods, conversations and actions. I am learning as much as I can about holistic healing, clean eating and alternative medicines. I am a lover of essential oils and I believe in its ability to heal and soothe our bodies. I am a lover of life and a believer in the value of all life. I am a valuable person capable of greatness and impact. And THAT is my vision for my life. That is what I bring to the table of life and everyone who sits with me will experience encouragement, fulfillment and peace. That is who I am…
So…I thank you all for journeying with me. I thank you all for giving of your most precious resource to walk with me – your time! I do not take that investment lightly. As you read my blog, or my product posts on Facebook (Atmospheres Of Wellness), I believe that you will receive exactly what you need when you need it most. I believe that you will leave fuller than you came. And I also believe that the deposits you receive will produce a harvest of blessing in your life. THAT is my definition of wellness…and I AM an artisan of atmospheres of wellness.
Blessings to you all!
(Please Note: I take no credit for the images used. Google has provided them all!)